The relevant contractual forms of appointment may be found below depending on whether your project is considered small or large.

The relevant contractual forms of appointment may be found below depending on whether your project is considered small or large.
The following terms and conditions are based on the Association of Building Control Approvers (ABCC) First Edition 2024 Short Form Model Contract for Projects under £500K.
The following terms and conditions are based on the Association of Building Control Approvers (ABCC) First Edition 2024 Long Form Model Contract for Projects Over £500K.
This form of agreement is based on the Third Edition, Contract for the Appointment of an Approved Inspector available from CICAIR and the Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors.
1.0. All Building Control Certification Limited is the ‘Approved Inspector’ hereinafter referred to as ALL BUILDING CONTROL of Registered Office Kemp House, 152/160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX.
1.1. ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall provide the services with reasonable skill, care and diligence, and with due regard to the Construction Industry Council’s Code of Conduct for Approved Inspectors and, the Building Control Performance Standards as approved and accepted by government.
1.2. It is noted that the appointed Approved Inspector is the Building Control Body for the work subject to the Form of Agreement and the main objective is to ascertain that building works complies with the requirements of the Building Act 1984 and current Building Regulations.
1.3. ‘The Client’ in the context of these Terms of Appointment is taken to be the person or company who is having the work carried out, and in the case of a company, the company will provide a named person as point of contact. The Client or his Agent will normally contract with ALL BUILDING CONTROL for the provision of services hereunder referred to.
1.4. The client shall inform us in writing if they do not authorise us to sign the Initial Notice on their behalf otherwise we shall do so and serve this upon the relevant Local Authority at the earliest opportunity.
1.5. On receipt of our signed appointment form we will commence work. If we start acting for you at your verbal request, you agree that you are bound by these Terms of Business.
1.6. We reserve the right to refuse any appointment, for example: if the works are outside our preferred geographical area; if we believe that we do not have the technical or manpower resources to deal with your instructions properly or; if we become aware of a conflict of interest or of a failure to comply for some other reasons.
1.7. We reserve the right to terminate the appointment if it is appearing to us there is a fundamental or repudiatory breach of contract (such as non-payment of fees) or that for other such reason we are not able to discharge our function properly as a Building Control Body.
1.8. Unless specifically contracted to do so, ALL BUILDING CONTROL is not being engaged to determine if the Clients own contractors and consultants design and/or build prescriptively to either the Approved Documents, British or European Standards or other such guidance documents.
1.9. We do not use encrypted email and therefore, communications between us are not “private and confidential”. You agree to accept this risk. Further, when we email others on your transaction or matter, we may well copy you in. You agree that your email address can be revealed in this way to all recipients of the email.
1.10. Any liability accepted by ALL BUILDING CONTROL under this appointment relates only to the statutory duties of an Approved Inspector as defined within the Building Act – no additional liability should be inferred.
1.11. Unless we have otherwise stated in writing to you, our project file will be considered closed and archived 3 months after issuing the Final Certificate. You authorise us to store electronic filed documents generally or remotely. If we retrieve such items from storage at your request or need to deal with any matters arising, we reserve the right to charge for such retrieval. We may also charge for any work necessary to re-familiarise ourselves or provide comment or copies of documents pertaining to the project file.
1.12. The Terms of Appointment shall not be construed as an offer of services or part of any contract for services in subsequence
1.13 ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall take such steps as are reasonable to enable it to determine that a Final Certificate can be issued, and if so determined, it shall issue a Final Certificate. Any Final Certificate is based on the information and documents provided and the Services and Additional Work performed and is not a
representation that every aspect of the Project complies with the Building
Regulations and/or conclusive proof of the Project’s compliance with the Building
1.14 ALL BUILDING CONTRIOL shall not be responsible or liable for any delay in issuing the Final Certificate and shall not be responsible or liable for any additional fees that are payable to the relevant local authority and/or any other costs, as a result of the ALL BUILDING CONTROL being unable to issue a Final Certificate at any time. The Client shall not (and shall ensure that a third party shall not) take possession of the works forming part of the Project and/or issue any certificate of completion under the building contract in respect of the works forming part of the Project, unless the Final Certificate has been issued
2.0. The client will provide reasonably accurate estimates for ‘cost of works’ (labour and construction) and ‘time programme’ (including details of any proposed ‘phasing’) and proposed and existing plans for which ALL BUILDING CONTROL may base their fee quotation on. ALL BUILDING CONTROL reserve the right to amend the fee where plans were not originally submitted for pricing or charge additional fee if the estimates change or are found to be inaccurate such that it does result in additional work for ALL BUILDING CONTROL. Should any of these estimates change by more than 10% then we reserve the right to charge additional fee at a rate of £95 per hour + vat in continuation of the contract until the works on site are complete. Alternatively, if the change is known or anticipated at some point after signing this contract the client shall endeavour to inform ALL BUILDING CONTROL such that ALL BUILDING CONTROL may propose an additional lump sum extra fee. If there is any dispute regarding the estimated ‘cost of works’, the RICS cost information figures shall be referred to in determining the estimate.
2.1. The Client shall supply such information to ALL BUILDING CONTROL at such times as is reasonably required for the delivery of the services, including previous history of the site, planning conditions, listing of premises, local Acts of Parliament and outstanding enforcement actions insofar as it impinges on the Terms of Appointment.
2.2. The Client shall provide drawings and specifications including site and block plans showing all public services on or within 6 metres of the boundaries, and in sufficient detail to facilitate the proper serving of Initial Notices, Sewer Consultation, Fire Service Consultation, and any other legal documents as may be necessary.
2.3. The Client shall notify ALL BUILDING CONTROL in writing of any agent appointed to act on behalf of the Client and of any change or dismissal of the agent or change or dismissal of contractor.
2.4. The Client shall notify ALL BUILDING CONTROL in writing and in sufficient time of any instruction to vary the services such that, for example, sufficient time is allowed for Amendment Notice to be issued to the Local Authority.
2.5. The Client shall make available during normal working hours proper access to the site for ALL BUILDING CONTROL or his appointed Agent or servant to carry out inspections of work.
2.6. The Client shall notify ALL BUILDING CONTROL at identified stages of work, or shall instruct the Contractor to do so on his behalf, with regard to the KEY STAGES OF NOTIFICATION FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF WORK but at stages not less than: commencement, excavation for foundations and project completion stage.
2.7. Notwithstanding the Inspection Notification requirements above, the Client shall keep us informed of live site progress every month and for slow or on-hold site progress every 3 months. This can be most easily done via the Book Inspection function on our website.
2.8. Where a project has been dormant or on-hold (i.e., where a single inspection has been undertaken for planning lock-in, where the appointment fee was not paid or where works simply stopped for whatever reason then the Client shall notify us of the intention to restart where it falls outside of the times listed above – a positive confirmation of receipt from us for bringing a project off-hold must be sought from us.
2.9. The Client shall give ALL BUILDING CONTROL at least 7 days’ notice before any works forming part of the Project are commenced and shall keep ALL BUILDING CONTROL regularly informed of the progress of the Project.
2.10. The Client confirms that it is the person intending to carry out the work forming part of the Project.
2.11. The Client and not ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall be responsible for the Project’s compliance with the Building Regulations. The Services do not include and ALL BUILDING CONTROL is not responsible for i) confirming whether the Building
Regulations have been complied with, and/or ii) advising the Client and/or managing
the Project to ensure that compliance with the Building Regulations is achieved.
3.0. Neither Party may assign its rights and/or benefits under this contract [without the prior written consent of the other Party]. ALL BUILDING CONTROL may subcontract any part of the Services and any Additional Work, with the prior approval of the Client, not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed
4.0. Where an Initial Notice is rejected because the contractor has deemed to have commenced work before the 5-day notice period discharges whereby the notice becomes invalid all fees as invoiced will remain due in full, however no additional invoices will be raised.
4.1. The Client shall pay ALL BUILDING CONTROL for the performance of the service(s) the fees and charges in such instalments as are set out in the Fee Proposal letter. All fees and charges under this Agreement are exclusive of Value Added Tax which if due shall be paid at the prevailing rate concurrently in addition. The due date for payment of an instalment of the Fee, together with expenses and
disbursements if they are to be paid in addition, shall be the date of submission
of ALL BUILDING CONTROL’s valid invoice for each instalment. The final date for payment of that invoice is 28 days after the due date for payment. The Client shall pay the sum stated as due in any invoice on or before the final date for payment unless the Client has not later than 7 days before the final date for payment given written notice to ALL BUILDING CONTROL of its intention to pay less stating the sum considered to be due and the basis on which that is calculated (‘pay less notice’). The sum stated as due in any payless notice shall be paid on or before the final date for payment. The Fee is exclusive of VAT, which shall be paid in addition to the Fee if applicable.
4.2. The Client shall reimburse in addition any costs incurred in the way of disbursement fees paid to local authorities in obtaining permissions under Local Act(s) and a separate fee for administering such applications will be requested by ALL BUILDING CONTROL in writing prior to undertaking work in relation thereto on behalf of the Client.
4.3. Where the Client intends to withhold payment of any amount stated in ALL BUILDING CONTROL’s invoice, the Client must give written notice to ALL BUILDING CONTROL not later than 5 days before the final date for payment, stating the amount to be withheld and the grounds for withholding payment.
4.4. In the event that the Client is in default over payments of amounts at the final date for payment ALL BUILDING CONTROL may suspend performance of any or all of the services, site inspections and Plans Checking and a Final Certificates may not be issued. This right is subject to ALL BUILDING CONTROL first giving the Client not less than 7 days’ written notice of such intention and stating the grounds for suspension.
4.5. The right to suspend performance shall cease when the Client makes payment of the amount due and advises in writing that payment has been made. Any such period of suspension shall be disregarded for the purpose of contractual time limits previously agreed for the completion of the services. Such suspension shall not be treated as a suspension under Clause 7 below.
4.6. ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall notify the Client in writing as soon as it becomes reasonably apparent that any work additional to the subject of this Agreement will be required.
4.7. ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall notify the Client in writing as soon as it becomes aware that any Additional Work will be required, because of:
4.8 The Client shall pay ALL BUILDING CONTROL for any Additional Work and/or if due to: circumstances outside ALL BUILDING CONTROL’s control there are any changes in the timing or programming of the Services and/or any Additional Work, on a time charge basis, at the rates set out.
4.9 ALL BUILDING CONTROL may include the charge in the next payment instalment after the Additional Work (or part of it) has been performed. If any Additional Work is carried out and/or if due to circumstances outside ALL BUILDING CONTROL’s control there are any changes in the timing or programming of the Services and/or any Additional Work, ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall be entitled to a fair and reasonable extension of time for performing the Services and the Additional Work.
4.10. ALL BUILDING CONTROL is not liable for appointment or payment of any Consultant who may need to be appointed to prove compliance with building regulations.
4.11 Any sum due under this contract which is not paid by the final date for payment
shall carry interest at 5% above the Bank of England official dealing rate applicable
from the final date for payment until the date on which payment is made.
4.12 In the event that any sum is not paid on or before the final date for payment in
accordance with the above Clause(s) ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall be entitled to:
5.0. ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall provide (where it is available at commercially reasonable rates) and maintain suitable professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance, subject to any limitations, endorsements, exceptions and/or exclusions from cover as are commonly included in professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance policies especially in relation to fire safety notifications. At the date of this contract, evidence as to whether these insurances are being maintained is available in the CICAIR Approved Inspectors’ Register (published at
5.1. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Regulated Approved Inspectors. It shall be noted that insurance held under Clause 5.0 may not meet fully that which is required by that of a regulated company and for full details of endorsements request the endorsement schedule via the office.
6.0. The copyright in all documents prepared by ALL BUILDING CONTROL in providing the services shall remain the property of ALL BUILDING CONTROL. Subject to payment by the Client of the fees properly due to ALL BUILDING CONTROL under this Agreement ALL BUILDING CONTROL grants to the Client an irrevocable non-exclusive royalty-free license to copy and use the documents for any purpose related to the project but ‘documents’, in this context expressly excludes working documents such as our standard letter templates, site report notes.
6.1. Notwithstanding Clause 6.0. ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall not be liable in any way for any use of the documents for any purpose other than that for which they were prepared and provided by ALL BUILDING CONTROL.
7.1 The Client may terminate this contract forthwith by written notice to ALL BUILDING CONTROL if:
7.2 ALL BUILDING CONTROL may terminate this contract forthwith by written notice to the Client if:
7.3 Following any notice of termination by ALL BUILDING CONTROL or the Client, ALL BUILDING CONTROL is entitled to:
8.0. If this contract has been terminated, the Client shall pay ALL BUILDING CONTROL any instalments of the Fee due up to the date of termination together with a fair and reasonable proportion of the next instalment of the Fee commensurate with the Services performed, sums payable in respect of any Additional Work performed by ALL BUILDING CONTROL prior to the notice of termination and, following termination under clauses 4.12 and/or 7.2, any costs or expenses incurred by ALL BUILDING CONTROL as a result of termination.
8.1 Termination of this contract shall not affect any rights or remedies of the Client or ALL BUILDING CONTROL which exist at the date of termination.
9.0. In the event that the client has a complaint in respect of the performance of ALL BUILDING CONTROL’s service under this agreement, without prejudice to any other remedy available under this agreement, they shall be entitled to have access to the complaints handling procedure (CHP) maintained by ALL BUILDING CONTROL, written copies of which are available upon formal request and any such complaint should be lodged with ALL BUILDING CONTROL within 28 days of discovery of the need to complain.
9.1. Should ALL BUILDING CONTROL not deal with the complaint, or the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of such complaint, further reference may be made to The Registrar, CICAIR, 26 Store Street, London, WC1E 7BT but only when the CHP has been exhausted.
10.0. Any dispute arising under this agreement, including those for more than £50,000 and/or those where adjudication would not apply, may be referred at the instance of either of the parties to be determined by an arbitrator. The person who is to act as an arbitrator shall be agreed between the parties within 28 days of the one giving written notice of his wish to refer the decision to an arbitrator or, failing agreement at the end of that period, shall be a person appointed by the President or Vice-President of the Chartered Institute Of Arbitrators at the instance of either party. The arbitration shall be conducted with regard to the Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules current at the time of entering this agreement.
11.0. The liability of ALL BUILDING CONTROL to the client for any breach of this agreement and/or negligence shall be limited to such sum as would be just and equitable for ALL BUILDING CONTROL for the loss or damage suffered on the basis that all other consultants and any subcontractors who have a liability shall be deemed to have provided contractual undertakings to the client on terms no less onerous than those applying in the case of this agreement and shall be deemed to have paid to the client such sum as it would be just and equitable for them to pay having regard to the extent of their responsibility for such loss or damage.
11.1. ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall not in any event be liable to the client under any circumstances involving fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation for any economic or special or consequential damage or loss including (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) commercial and financial loss additional or remedial construction or reconstruction costs loss of interest profit income utility market or business opportunity whether or not ALL BUILDING CONTROL had knowledge that such damage might be incurred.
11.2 Notwithstanding any other provision in this contract;
(i) the Approved Inspector’s total liability under or in connection with this contract (whether in contract, in tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty or otherwise) including without limitation interest and legal costs shall be limited to the amount set out in clause 11.3 in the aggregate; and
(ii) without prejudice to the aggregate limit of liability under clause 11.2(i), the
Approved Inspector’s liability in respect of any other matters
shall be limited or excluded as stated.
(iii) total liability will be limited by virtue of Endorsements to the insurance policy e.g. Fire Safety Notifications.
11.3. Unless otherwise agreed the total liability of ALL BUILDING CONTROL shall not exceed the lesser amount of either; the professional indemnity insurance cover required by virtue of clause 5.0 above or, ten times the fee paid to us.
11.4. No action or proceeding for any breach of this agreement shall be commenced by either party after the expiry of the period of limitation.
11.5. ALL BUILDING CONTROL accept no liability, economic or special or consequential damage or loss including (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) commercial and financial loss additional or remedial construction or reconstruction costs loss of interest profit income utility market or business opportunity, arising from a failure by them to reasonably be able to obtain or maintain the insurance referred to in Clause 5.0 above.
11.6. ALL BUILDING CONTROL are not responsible or liable for ensuring the performance of or, standard of workmanship of any contractor or subcontractor.
11.7. The client shall look only to ALL BUILDING CONTROL and not any individuals should they consider there has been a breach of this contract and the client agrees not to pursue and claims in contract, in tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty or otherwise against any such individuals as a result of carrying out its obligations under or in connection with this contract at any time (refer contract (Rights of Third Parties Act 1999).
11.8. Nothing shall limit ALL BUILDING CONTROL’s liability for negligence resulting in death or personal injury
11.9. Where a building transitions to BSR as a result of not commencing works as per the BSR definition All Building Control shall not be liable in any extent for costs, delays or failure to obtain any approvals or consents via the new regime.
12.0. Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered by hand or sent by recorded delivery post to the address shown in this Agreement or to such other address as the other party may have specified from time to time by written notice to the other.
12.1. Such notice shall be deemed to have been received on the day of delivery if delivered by hand and otherwise on the next working day.
12.2. Where under this Agreement an act is required to be completed within a specified period of days after or from a specified date, the period shall begin immediately after that date. Where the period would include a day which is a Christmas Day, Good Friday or a day which under the Banking and Financial dealings Act 1971 is a bank holiday, that day shall be excluded.
13.0. ALL BUILDING CONTROL may either cancel the Initial Notice by sending a Notice of Cancelation to the local authority or allow it to cease to be of effect in the following circumstances: After a formal notice of contravention has been served and no significant action has been taken by the client to remedy the contravention within 3 months of issue of the Notice of Contravention; ALL BUILDING CONTROL is prevented in its reasonable opinion from carrying out its legitimate functions as Approved Inspector for the Project by undue restrictions imposed on them by the client or its agents including failing to give ALL BUILDING CONTROL reasonable access to inspect works: Failure on the part of the client to submit sufficient plans or details (e.g. structural calculations) to demonstrate compliance in any other way in a reasonable period of time to enable us to fulfil our function as an Approved Inspector without undue pressure or risk; Non-payment of any fees due to ALL BUILDING CONTROL (either in part or whole).
14.0. Copies of site inspection notes are available on request however these may or may not be redacted or adjusted prior to them being supplied.
14.1. Where requested to do so we can write a ‘comfort letter’ in support of your dealings with Freeholders, Managing Agents, Financial Institutions, and these are charged at £45.00+vat per letter and we hold no liability to any third party for their reliance on such letters.
14.2. We have no objection to utilizing project collaboration software or and/or web/cloud-based file sharing where a separate folder named ‘All Building Control’ is made and the plan submission placed in there for a single stage check.
14.3. We will not nor can we be expected to continuously dip in and out of your system to see what has been revised or added to. We also remind you of data protection in respect of the contents of these folders and your obligation to safe-guard that data.
14.4. If you email links to files or ftp serves (especially time expiring ones) you are expected to ensure this has been seen and downloaded by us by way of acknowledgment of further information letter we may issue.
14.5. If you are requested to send in test, witnessing and commissioning certificates toward the end of a job (especially where these involve multiple plots or flats) we will not take responsibility for issues arising nor should we be expected to administer multiple emails. Please collate them at your end then forward them as a single email in a sensible and intelligible format.
Additional Work means any additional or varied services as a result of or in consequence of the matters described which are not already covered by the Services set out together with any additional or varied services instructed by the Client and agreed by the Approved Inspector.
Approved Inspector means a licensed individual or organisation carrying out
the duties given to an approved inspector by the Building Act 1984 and regulations made under it.
Building Regulations means the building regulations made under the Building
Act 1984, including the Building Regulations 2010.
Commencement – currently for the Building Regulations commencement of works is defined in the BCA Policy-Note-1-Commencement. However, for the purpose of the BSR commencement has been redefined and appears to be far more onerous in so far as it states completion of substructure and drainage is required to be considered a commencement.
CICAIR means the body designated by the Secretary of State in England and Welsh Ministers in Wales, CICAIR Ltd maintains and operates the Construction Industry Council Approved Inspectors Register (CICAIR).
Fee means the total amount to be paid to the Approved Inspector for the Services and any Additional Work.
Final Certificate means a certificate in accordance with Section 51 of the Building Act 1984.
HSE – Health and Safety Executive.
BSR – means the Building Safety Regulator
HRB – for the purpose of the BSR means a residential building is to be considered as high-rise if either of the following circumstances apply:
Initial Notice means an initial notice to the relevant local authority notifying them
of the Project under Section 47 of the Building Act 1984.
Insolvent means as defined in section 113, Housing Grants, Construction and
Regeneration Act 1996.
Key Stages – Gateway 1 (at the planning application stage), Gateway 2 (before building work starts) and Gateway 3 (when building work is completed).
Services means the services as listed.
Statutory Functions means the duties of an approved inspector under the Building
Act 1984, regulations made under it and formal guidelines issued by a government department.
The Building Safety Act – The Building Safety Act names HSE as the new Building Safety Regulator. It also introduces new duties relating to fire and structural safety with special focus on high-rise buildings.
Transition Date – October 2023 currently being the point at which unless you have an Initial Notice in force and have made a ‘commencement’ on site then the BSR will become your regulator for any HRB.
These Terms and Conditions are subject to amendment.
In this contract, unless the context otherwise requires:
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