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Myths about Property Survey that You Should Ignore at All Costs

Chartered Surveyors Highgate

Property Survey Myths You Must Ignore

A building survey is one of the important procedures for transacting a property. Professionals perform it to determine the actual condition of the house. A building surveyor generally scans all aspects of the property, both interiors and exteriors.

Get a Professionals Help:

Hiring the service of a chartered surveyor in Highgate can incur some extra costs. A better understanding of the process can help you save a lot of money in a property inspection. Due to miscommunication, many tend to believe in unrealistic expectations, leading to unrelated claims and myths.

Common Myths about Property Inspection:

As a potential house buyer or seller, getting help from a chartered surveyor is important. You should not believe in popular myths. The common myths around property surveys are discussed in detail in this blog.

  • Buyers are Not Allowed during Home Inspection: It is one of the popular myths that have no base at all. The property surveyors work on their own and inspect all the parts of a house. However, first-time buyers need to be a part of the home inspection. They may want to get an idea of the condition of the house they are about to buy. So, they may request the chartered surveyor to be a part of the house inspection. There are no such rules that prevent buyers from going to a home inspection.

  • Chartered Surveyors Do Not Inspect New Constructions: This is important to notice when entering a newly built house. The construction is a time-consuming process which requires everything to be compliant with the law. During the construction process, certain things may get overlooked. To check that, you should insist on a property inspection by a surveyor.

  • A Home Inspection is A Guarantee: Many tend to fall for this myth while buying or selling a house. While it is advisable to get certifications from a professional property surveyor, you should not consider their words as the final verdict. It is impossible to predict the house’s condition in the future. So, it will be wrong to assume the words of a property surveyor as the final verdict.

  • All Surveyors are the Same: This is one of the costly mistakes you may make while looking for a home surveyor. Look for a professional with the proper credentials and necessary experience in the field. You can also look for recommendations for a good property survey officer. In that case, you must communicate with your friends and family who have experienced their service.

For better property survey works by professional chartered surveyors in Highgate, you should consult a professional source like All Building Control. We provide Building Control Approval and other necessary consultancy services. For more details about our business, you can visit our website.
