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Structural Problems that Chartered Surveyors May find in Staircases

Chartered Surveyors City Of London

When you call for a professional house survey, you must check some important structural requirements. House surveyors are particular about potential safety hazards in a property. There is a chance that your report may not get positive approval due to some issues.


The Importance of Stair Safety:


Stairs are one of the important installations in a residential property that many house surveyors take note of. As a homeowner, you should remain prepared before your inspection and check all the issues with your staircases. This can be from the placement of the stairs to any missing installations.


Issues with Staircases that Chartered Surveyors May Spot:


Before the survey begins, checking that your stairs are built according to the safety regulations is important. Otherwise, you may face problems with your hired professional chartered surveyors in the City of London. We discuss more about this in the following part.


  • Issues with Handrails and Balustrades: In some cases, handrails and balustrades may have a weak lateral restraint. It refers to the effort you have to exert to push the railings sideways. It is a crucial part that a house surveyor may check. It is specifically important to strengthen the railings if you have a family member with locomotion problems.


  • Presence of Asbestos: This is a common structural issue that surveyors can find in properties established between the 1950s and 80s. The stairs are lined with traces of asbestos underneath. In case your stair lining contains asbestos, you have to remove it without delay. This is a must if you buy or sell a property built in that specific period.


  • Altered Stairs: In the case of extended properties, an altered staircase can create some problems. The treads should have the same depth, and the steps should have an equal height. The stairs should also have a proper landing place, the absence of which could create some problems with the building surveyor.


  • Issues with Repaired Stairs: This is an important aspect you must check in your property. If there is a modification to your house’s staircase, you must ensure it has no problem with nails or patchy wood. The tread of the stairs should also be in optimal condition.


These are some important requirements for the stairs of a property that you should check. Ensure contacting a professional chartered surveyor in the City of London for proper evaluation. You can visit All Building Control, one of the reliable names in this field. Our company comprises a team of experienced house surveyors who can check all parts of your property.
